Respiratory Care System

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MEK-ICS Co., Ltd.

Business Type:Manufacturer


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Product Information

  • Model:HFT500
  • Certification:CE
  • Warranty:1 year


How to help clinician’s challenge  in sub-acute respiratory care?


Hospital faces with constant dilemma that they have to allocate a proper  respiratory device for each patient’s changed disease condition on time  continuously. It could be helpful solution for this issue if each device is  applicable for all the respiratory disease phases.

The remaining issue is what kinds of functions should be put in this one  device as the necessary and suVicient condition. The answer would be  BiPAP(S/T), CPAP, HFNC with an oxygen mixer, a humidifier and monitoring  function for respiratory rate and SpO2 in single device. We believe HFT500 is  our optimal and leading solution. 


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